Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance

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The Essential Personal Lines Training Package

Essential Personal Lines Training

Quick Overview

Eight short, online webinars covering important and interesting homeowners and auto concepts

Can't make it Thursday? Register now and we'll send you the recording.

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Duration 1 hour
Location Online Webinar
Formats On-Demand
Instructor Christopher J. BoggsChristopher J. Boggs

5 Most Misunderstood Homeowners Coverage Concepts (5 part series)

Webinar 1: Who or What is Eligible for a Homeowners Policy

Just who or what does qualify for one of the six Homeowners coverage forms? The main key is occupancy, the other key is what is being occupied.

This webinar walks the student through the question of Homeowner Policy eligibility. We discuss:

  • The six eligibilities for coverage under the HO-2, HO-3, HO-5 and HO-8;
  • The four eligibility requirements for the HO-4; and
  • The two eligibility requirements for coverage under and HO-6.

This class is 12 minutes.

You may purchase this webinar individually, here.

Webinar 2: Comparing the Various Homeowners Forms

How does the HO-2 Broad Form differ from the HO-3 Special Form? How does the HO-3 differ from the HO-5 Comprehensive Form? And how to all the forms differ from the HO-8 Modified Coverage Form?

Beyond differences, what do each of the six forms have in common? What can be changed in the standard forms to improve coverage or protection? What are the "Key Values" in each form, and how do they affect other property coverages provided by the forms? In this webinar we:

  • Introduce the six standard ISO Homeowners coverage forms;
  • Review the causes of loss covered by each form for real and personal property;
  • Review the loss valuation methods used by each form;
  • Discuss the "Key Values" and other coverage grants; and
  • Introduce the endorsements that alter various cause of loss and valuation methods in the forms.

This class is 25 minutes.

You may purchase this webinar individually, here.

Webinar 3: Insured Status in the Homeowners Policy: Who IS and "Insured" and Who can be Added

There are four "levels" of "insured" status in the Homeowners Policy, and the breadth of protection narrows as an individual moves from one level to another. The four levels are:

  1. Named insureds;
  2. Automatic insureds;
  3. Extended insureds; and
  4. Additional insureds.

Two of the questions answered by this class are: Who falls into each "level?" and When is protection granted to an "insured" within the specified "level?"

This class also details:

  • Who is "You" in the policy and how much coverage do they have;
  • What constitutes a "resident relative;"
  • Who can be added to the Homeowners Policy as an Additional Insured, the list may surprise you.

This class is 15 minutes.

You may purchase this webinar individually, here.

Webinar 4: "Special Limits" of Coverage in the Homeowners Policy: An E&O Trap

The Homeowners Policy lists specific types of personal property and places a specific limit of coverage of such property – usually low compared to the actual exposure the insured has. Additionally, these "special limits" are WITHIN the Coverage C (personal property) limit not in addition to the limit. Such limitation can create an E&O trap for the agent.

However, these limits can be increased – well, most of them can. This class:

  • Details the special limits found in the Homeowners Policy;
  • Explains how the limits can be increased; and
  • Lists the special limits that cannot be increased.

This class is 10 minutes.

You may purchase this webinar individually, here.

Webinar 5: "Guaranteeing" Replacement Cost Protection in the Homeowners Policy

Two endorsements are available to "guarantee" replacement cost protection to the insured following a loss, the:

  • HO 04 11 – Additional Limits of Liability for Coverages A, B, C, and D
  • HO 04 20 – Specified Additional Amount of Insurance for Coverage A Dwelling

Although both forms provide some "guarantee" towards full replacement cost protection, they differ in how they affect the policies to which they are attached. This class:

  • Details both endorsements;
  • Describes how each affects coverage; and
  • Explains what the insured must do to qualify for coverage under both endorsements.

This class is 10 minutes.

You may purchase this webinar individually, here.

Personal Auto Mysteries Revealed (3 part series)

Webinar 1: The Personal Auto Policy: Who and What is Eligible for Coverage?

Who is eligible for a personal auto policy and what vehicle types are eligible for coverage? The answers to both questions are the focus of this webinar. Participants learn:

  • Who is eligible for a PAP (it may surprise you who or "what" is eligible);
  • What vehicles are primarily eligible for a PAP (and even those that can be "forced" into a PAP); and
  • Endorsements available to expand eligibility.

This class is 15 minutes.

This class can be individually purchased here.

Webinar 2: Insured Status in a Personal Auto Policy: Who or What is "Insured" and Who can be Added?

The Personal Auto Policy (PAP) contains four coverage parts and can extend protection to three "levels" of insureds. As you move down levels, the breadth of coverage decreases. Participants of this class learn:

  • The five key definitions surrounding "insured" status;
  • The four coverage parts of the PAP;
  • The three levels of "insured" status; and
  • Who is insured for what in each coverage part and at each level.

This class is approximately 20 minutes.

This class can be individually purchased here.

Webinar 3: Assigning the Proper Use Classification to a Personal Auto

ISO applies five basic use classifications to a personal auto. Such classification is based on use, mileage and location. This class focuses on and defines the five use classifications and the rules governing each classification.

This class is approximately 6 minutes.

This class can be individually purchased here.

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