Christopher J. Boggs

Christopher J. Boggs, CPCU, ARM, ALCM, LPCS, AAI, APA, CWCA, CRIS, AINS, president of Boggs Risk & Insurance Consulting (BRIC) with a focus on education, training, risk and claims consulting with insurance agents and insurance carriers, began the practice of insurance in 1990.
During his nearly three-and-a-half-decade insurance career, Boggs has authored over 2,000 insurance and risk management-related articles on a wide range of topics. Additionally, Boggs has written 15 insurance and risk management books including:
- "The Insurance Professional's Practical Guide to Workers' Compensation: From History through Audit," (now in its second edition);
- "Business Income Insurance Demystified: The Simplified Guide to Time Element Coverages," (now in its third edition);
- "Property and Casualty Insurance Concepts Simplified: The Ultimate 'How to' Insurance Guide for Agents, Brokers, Underwriters and Adjusters;"
- "Wow! I Never Knew That! 12 of the Most Misunderstood and Misused P&C Coverages, Concepts and Exclusions;"
- "Insurance, Risk & Risk Management! The Insurance Professional's Guide to Risk Management and Insurance;"
Boggs is a regular speaker at industry events, having taught or spoken nearly 1,000 times. This includes sessions for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC), the National Society of Insurance Premium Auditors (NSIPA), the American Association of Managing General Agents (AAMGA), the Institute of Work Comp Professionals (IWCP), the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) Society and numerous independent insurance agent state association meetings. He has also earned numerous professional accolades including the 2017 Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Brian Hey Prize and the 2019 Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) Charles A. Hachemeister Prize as part of a professional collaboration with a diverse group of professionals.
His professional background includes work as a risk management consultant, loss control representative, insurance producer, claims manager, journalist and columnist, quality assurance specialist, and insurance coverage product manager.
Boggs earned a Bachelor of Science in journalism at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, and holds nine professional designations.
BAP Coverage Symbols: There's Gold in Them There Numbers
We bet you can guess the focus of this session. No, it’s about BAP coverage symbols. Although the Coverage Symbols are a “basic” of business auto coverage, there is actually a lot of key information in the symbols. Beyond the gold in the Coverage Symbols, the last part of this session focuses on coverage for Trailers, a very common coverage question.
Join us as Chris Boggs helps make Coverage Symbols crystal clear and you'll find the gold in this session.
The Easy Questions No One Asks (Including YOU), And What Happens When You Don't
In this session Chris Boggs talks about key underwriting questions no one asks (or thinks to ask) and what happens when you don’t. For instance, “Who owns the building?” You might think that's an easy one. We think it's obvious that the insured owns the building, but what happens at claim time when it is finally discovered that the insured doesn't own the building, and another corporation owns the building? How's that claim going to be paid? This is the sort of question that we're dealing with in this session.
Cussing, Lying and Disclaiming
In his return to the Academy microphone, Chris Boggs brings his new session all about the dirty words that insurance people use, the truth-stretching of applications, and the ubiquity of disclaimers.
2019 Condominium Bundle
Three popular courses offering in depth training on the coverage issues that exist when the insured is a condo unit owner, or association.
5 Key Work Comp Audit Facts
When preparing for or reviewing an audit, there are five KEY workers' compensation audit facts or issues every insurance professional must know.
Named Insureds: Who Should Be, Who Can Be and Who Shouldn't Be
Before any claim is paid, status as an "insured" must exist. Is the person or entity suffering or causing loss, injury or damage an insured?
The Essential Personal Lines Training Package
5 Most Misunderstood Homeowners Coverage Concepts
Five short webinars that go over Homeowners hot topics: Eligibility, Various Forms, Insured Status, Special Limits and "Guaranteeing" Replacement Cost Protection in the Homeowners Policy.
Comparing the Various Homeowners Forms
How does the HO-2 Broad Form differ from the HO-3 Special Form? How does the HO-3 differ from the HO-5 Comprehensive Form? And how to all the forms differ from the HO-8 Modified Coverage Form?
Insuring Condominium Property and Liability Exposures
Learn the key issues regarding the insuring of condominiums to avoid holes in either the association's or unit owner's coverage.