Chantal Roberts

Chantal M. Roberts, CPCU, AIC, RPA is dedicated to providing trustworthy, valuable assistance in order to give her clients a clear understanding of claims standards and practices. She has over 20 years’ experience as an adjuster. As an expert witness, she strives to turn this complex topic into an easy-to-understand concept.
Chantal’s background also includes educating claims departments and overseeing adjuster training. Due to her excellent reputation in the industry, Chantal had the privilege of speaking at the Western Zone Committee Meeting of the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) and three CPCU Society chapter meetings. She routinely speaks at universities and at continuing legal education credit events discussing claim handling practices, standards, and procedures. She’s published 12 articles in national insurance journals. Her first book, The Art of Adjusting: Writing Down the Unwritten Rules of Claims Handling, was released in July 2021.
How An Adjuster Reads An Insurance Policy
For the first time in Academy of Insurance history, participants will choose a real-world claim scenario, and Chantal Roberts will walk through the ISO Homeowner policy, step-by-step, demonstrating how an adjuster reviews the policy to make a coverage decision. Join us for this special live session. Chantal will open the adjuster tool bag and show us how it works.
Living Large: Mastering Additional Living Expenses in Claims Adjusting
One question that looms large on the minds of the insureds after the house is damaged is where am I going to sleep tonight? The claim adjuster asks a similar question, what expenses are we going to pay for this insured's additional living expenses? Join us as claims expert, Chantal Roberts brings us her class on all things ALE.
Life's Unfair: The Mistakes that Lead to Bad Faith Claims
Insurance is a contract based on everyone doing their level best to act with honesty and integrity. When an insured doesn't act that way, it's usually called fraud. When an insurance company doesn't act that way, and a claim is involved, it's called bad faith. What's better, defending a bad faith case, or never having one to begin with? Join us as Chantal Roberts helps us to understand what could constitute a bad faith case, how to avoid it, and how to best serve the client.
When You Have Reservations
The reservation of rights letter is a tool that insurance companies use when they aren't sure if a loss is covered. It is their way of saying to the insured, "we'll provide you defense for now, but we can still say that this isn't a covered loss." Join us as Chantal Roberts helps us to figure out the best way to write a reservation of rights letter to most clearly communicate the reservations with the insured.
Cannabis Claims: A Look at Coverage
There are more areas in the country where cannabis is legal than not, yet with it being considered a controlled substance by the federal government and with varying levels of legality in each state, the insurance issues can be complex. Then you add a cannabis industry that doesn't really trust their insurance companies and insurance companies that don't really know what to expect from their insureds and you have a recipe for difficulty at best.
Join us as Chantal Roberts brings us this session to expand our understanding of these potential issues.