Workers' Compensation
Whether you're a Workers' Compensation expert, or you're just beginning to break into it, our Workers' Compensation library will help you build the knowledge that you need to serve your clients. We have classes from basic to expert level that will help you to understand how we got to the Workers' Compensation system that we have today. You'll learn what's in the policy and how each state acts at least a little differently than the other states. Here's what you'll learn.
- What does the workers' compensation policy look like?
- How do you prepare a client for a workers' comp audit?
- What's the course and scope rule?
- Why do we have a workers' comp system?

Getting Back to Work: Workers' Comp and the Social Determinants of Health
Failure to address the SDOH after a workers' compensation injury or in any medical management setting can negatively impact healing, increase healthcare costs, and delay return to work. After reviewing the SDOH, we will evaluate a case study to see how an injury that ended with the post-injury death of a worker could have been prevented with an adequate process to determine the worker's other medical, emotional, and physical needs. Join us as Nancy Germond helps us to understand that there is more to an injury than just physical healing.
Workers' Comp in 60 Minutes - How Agents Can Lead with Work Comp
Workers' compensation insurance affects nearly everyone. Most businesses need to have it. As insurance professionals, we should know all we can about the policy. Join us as Nancy Germond brings a fast-paced breakdown of all things workers' comp.
How Relevant is the Work Comp Experience Mod?
First presented in 2014, Frank Pennachio brings back this timely session on the impact of technology, data mining, and machine learning on workers' compensation. His thesis: the experience modification factor does not have the same level of influence on account pricing.
Mitigating the Risks of A Tight Labor Market Using Effective WC Practices
Can Workers' Compensation insurance be a differentiator for an agency trying to win business? Can it also be a differentiator for the employer who is looking for the best talent in a shrinking pool of available workers? Join us as Frank Pennachio brings this timely session and helps teams use WC to build a great team.
Leveraging Data to Differentiate Yourself from the Competition
In an industry that is so data reliant as insurance is, it is troubling that some simply don't know how to use the available data to tell their clients' stories. Join us as Frank Pennachio helps us to apply benchmark data and appropriate data analysis to help gain and keep clients longer.
Fiduciary Liability Updates for 2022
Litigation arising from the management of employee benefits plans has increased dramatically over the past couple of years. New federal laws, regulations, guidelines, and established case law, as well as increased compliance audits by the Department of Labor are expected to escalate the risks to an even higher level in 2022. Join us as Frank Pennachio helps guide us through this important topic.
Workers' Compensation in Two Hours
This book is designed to help the small business owner to navigate the world of workers' compensation from hiring an agent to dealing with the audit.
10 Tips to Improve a Workers' Compensation Program
Workers' Compensation is a simple idea but when put into practice, it can get complicated.
Based on her new book, Workers' Compensation in Two Hours, this session will help you to help your clients navigate the workers' comp world that they dread.
The Pros and Cons of Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)
The employee leasing industry has enjoyed marked growth in the last few years, based upon the assumptions that a business owner could pass some of the regulatory responsibilities, and employer liabilities to a "professional employer organization" (PEO) trained in human resource management. Join us as Frank Pennachio helps us to understand how PEOs can be a mixed bag of good and bad.
The 7 Fastest Ways to Ruin (Blow Up ) a Workers' Comp Program
This class comes from more than 30 years of experience helping different-sized organizations with their workers' comp programs. Join James Moore as he leverages his experience analyzing claims, Experience Mod worksheets, premium audits, and policies to help clients improve their overall workers' comp programs.