Martin Frappollli

Marty Frappolli is a risk management and insurance consultant with Longhorn Knowledge Resources, headquartered in Austin, Texas. Longhorn offers custom individual and group insurance training, research, writing, and analytical services.
Previously, Marty served 18 years as Senior Director of Knowledge Resources for The Institutes in Malvern PA. His experience there includes the design of educational courses and safeguarding the academic integrity of Institutes curriculum. His national presentations and articles include showcases at RIMS, PLRB, IDMA, CAS, ACORD, NAPIA, and the CPCU Society. His specialty areas include claims, the IoT, autonomous vehicles, blockchain, cyber risk, and data management.
He is the author of these Institutes courses: Auto Claims Practices, Managing Cyber Risk, Claims Handling Principles and Practices, CPCU 530 - Business Law for Insurance Professionals, Principles of Workers Compensation Claims, Liability Claims Practices, and Claims Leadership & Organizational Alignment.
Before joining the Institutes, Marty led the Data Management group at NJM Insurance. Marty earned his B.A. at Rutgers University and his Masters in Organizational Leadership at Quinnipiac University. He was awarded the Fellow in Insurance Data Management (FIDM) designation by the Insurance Data Management Association (IDMA).
Blockchain 101: How Smart Contracts Impact the Insurance Professional
Updated for 2024, this session brings blockchain out of the shadows of insurance tech speak. Let's face it. Many in the insurance world aren't as technologically savvy as we should be. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that is already impacting the insurance world in some circles. Join us as Martin Frappolli takes the complex and makes it understandable for those of us who wonder why anyone would make a chain out of blocks.
Insurance Without Claims - Revisited
Insurance and technology are closely related to each other. Technology allows insurance to operate and insurance allows for innovation and expansion in technology. But can technology really predict claims or help insureds to avoid claims? This is one question that Martin Frappolli plans to answer for us in this session. Updated for 2024.