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Joseph Junfola

Joseph Junfola

Joseph Junfola has spent over 40 years as an insurance claims professional. He has specialized in long-term exposure, or continuous property damage/bodily injury/toxic tort claims on a national basis for close to 30 years. He has specialized in construction defect, product liability, and design professional liability claims, including construction accident claims, particularly third-party-over actions in New York.

In his early days, he handled automobile bodily injury claims, both on a primary and umbrella basis, in the State of New Jersey. He first qualified as an expert in the evaluation of automobile bodily injury claims in Federal Court in the early 1990's.

He has since formed Junfola Claim Consulting Services to provide coverage and claim analysis, policy language review, litigation support, and more. He has also joined the Insurance Risk Management Institute as an Expert Commentator.

A staunch believer in continuous learning and improvement, Joe has earned the following professional designations: CPCU, RPLU, RPLU+, SCLA, AIC, ASLI, ARe, AU, ARM, CRIS, AIS, MLIS, AIC-M, and AIDA. His continual drive for education has seen him earn these additional certificates: Executive Certificate in Negotiations from the Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, the Home Inspection Certificate through Rutgers University and the National Institute of Building Inspectors, and the Certificate in Law and Legal Process from Southern New Hampshire University.

He has published several articles and an eBook, Construction Defect Claims, A Handbook for Insurance, Risk Management, Construction, & Design Professionals.

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When Does Property Damage Occur?

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When does property damage occur when property damage is continuous and progressive? When does the damage begin and end for the purpose of triggering coverage in the CGL policy? Join us as Joe Junfola helps us to get a grip on when a loss occurs so that the claim can be handled by the proper policy(s).

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CGL Coverage - Other Insurance and Allocation

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Sometimes it is difficult to know how many occurrences make up the liability claim, or worse, how many policies may respond to the claim. Join us as Joe Junfola helps us with this and other issues that surround CGL Coverage - Other Insurance and Allocation.

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Duty to Defend vs. Duty to Indemnify

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In many insurance policies, the contract tells us that the insurer has the "right and duty to defend..." but what does that really mean? Is that the same thing as the duty to indemnify? Which is more important or valuable, if either is? Join us as Joe Junfola helps us to understand how the duty to indemnify works with the duty to defend. He'll deal with issues of long-term exposures and continuous damage and he'll explain the "four corners" test.

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Reconciling Contractual Liability and the Additional Insured: The Devil is Always in the Details

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Contracts are complicated and people sign them in their businesses without fully understanding their implications. Contracts often have insurance requirements and those requirements must be complied with. Join us as Joseph Junfola helps us to understand contractual indemnity and the additional insured.

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CGL Coverage - Occurrence and Property Damage

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Is a construction defect an occurrence on the CGL policy?

If a breach of contract claims the same damages as a tort claim, why is it excluded, or is it?

Get the answers to these questions and more when you attend this session by Joe Junfola.

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Lost Policies and Long-Tail Claims

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How can an insured prove the existence of lost policies when faced with long-tailed claims, like pollution? Join us as Joe Junfola helps us to understand the burden of proof, secondary evidence, and investigative resources.

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Continuous Injury/Damage Claims - Known Loss and the Montrose Exclusion

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For most people, the most complicated liability claim they experience happens when there are multiple injured parties. However, when you consider that an occurrence may have begun several years ago, and run through several policy periods with different insurers, including the excess and umbrella insurers.

This gets complicated fast.

That's why Joe Junfola is bringing us this class. Join us as he guides us through the layers and the years of insurance coverage.

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