Agency Management
Whether you're new to agency leadership or not, all of us can benefit from the guidance and help from someone that's been there and made that mistake. That's why we've gathered these agency management experts to help you to run your agency better. Maybe you'll even miss some of the pitfalls that others have fallen into.
Running an insurance agency is about more than getting licensed, learning about coverages, hanging a shingle out, and waiting for the world to come.
*You have to know how to hire and who to hire.
*You have to know how to compensate your team.
*You have to know how to plan for the future.
These classes are designed to give you the background that you need so that you can run your agency using best practices from around the industry.
Born2Lead: Lessons in Leadership
Mike's thesis is simple. Everyone can be a leader. You just have to decide to do what leaders do. Join us as he brings this leadership conversation to the Academy.
Artificial Intelligence and Insurance Agents - Panic or Promise Revised?
Generative AI applications are making many tasks easier while at the same time creating uncertainty. This session is designed to help relieve some of that uncertainty. Join us as Tom Wetzel breaks down how we can use current generative AI tools to better serve our customers.
Standards of Care for Agencies. What Are Your Responsibilities?
What are agents responsible for? Are insurance agents merely order takers, making sure that the insured gets the insurance equivalent to fries and a soft drink with their order? Or is an insurance agent responsible for knowing every detail about their insureds so that they can provide every possible insurance policy available at the correct limits with the list of conditions?
There are many thoughts about this topic of standards of care, so we have brought in Michael Gay to help us to understand what agencies need to know on this topic. Join us for this timely session.
Artificial Intelligence and Insurance Agents - Panic or Promise?
Everyone is hearing about AI these days, but what does it really mean? More importantly, what does it mean to the insurance agent who is trying to serve clients, build a book of business, and navigate sweeping technological change? Join us as our resident tech expert, Tom Wetzel brings this new session to us.
Agency Perpetuation: Ownership Transition
Every business owner must eventually face the prospect of transitioning out of their business, and handing it over to someone else to steward and care for it. The transition from one owner to the next is a difficult time for any business, but with the right planning and preparation, the transition can be handled smoothly. Join us as agency perpetuation expert, Chris Burand brings us this important session.
The War of Cybercrime Just Got Tougher: How You Must Fight it More Effectively
It's only a matter of time. Even smaller entities have a risk of being targeted for cybercrime. Join us as Tom Wetzel brings us this timely and critical session.
10 Ways to Avoid an Agency E&O Claim
Agency errors and omissions insurance is there to provide coverage when a mistake turns into a damages request and it often happens because an insured didn't get a claim paid, or some other trouble occurs in the life of agency/client relationships. Join us as Nancy Germond brings us her top 10 ways to stay out of this trouble.
E&O Issues You Didn't See Coming: A Two-Part Series
The insurance world is a place of emerging and evolving risks. Just because insurance agencies serve their clients' risk management and insurance needs doesn't mean that their risk management needs are being met. In this special two-part session, Chris Burand brings us an update on the E&O issues that the insurance world is facing today.
E&O - The Experts Weigh In
E&O claims are easy. Said no one ever.
That's why David Thompson is bringing together some of the brightest lights in the E&O world. Join us as this team of experts unpacks E&O issues that insurance agents will face every day.
10 Tips to Better Priority Management
How is it that we often find ourselves doing the less important tasks? Or worse, looking at all that needs to be done and in a fit of overanalysis, do nothing?
Join us as Marsha Egan brings us her 10 best tips to better prioritize our life and work.