Agency Management
Whether you're new to agency leadership or not, all of us can benefit from the guidance and help from someone that's been there and made that mistake. That's why we've gathered these agency management experts to help you to run your agency better. Maybe you'll even miss some of the pitfalls that others have fallen into.
Running an insurance agency is about more than getting licensed, learning about coverages, hanging a shingle out, and waiting for the world to come.
*You have to know how to hire and who to hire.
*You have to know how to compensate your team.
*You have to know how to plan for the future.
These classes are designed to give you the background that you need so that you can run your agency using best practices from around the industry.

How E&O Exposures are Changing
Errors and omissions can happen in the best of times. 2020 wasn't the best of times and E&O exposures have changed significantly.
Join us as industry expert Chris Burand helps us learn how E&O exposures have changed especially in the last year or so.
What is Your Biggest E&O Worry - COVID-19 or Absolute Exclusions?
What's a bigger reason for agents to worry about their E&O: COVID-19 or absolute exclusions?
No one saw COVID-19 coming and the insurance implications that it brought. There will certainly be E&O claims related to it because no one prepared the policy for this exposure.
What about the absolute exclusions that exist in some policies? Could that be a bigger deal?
Join us as Fred Fisher takes these questions head-on in this timely session.
Time's Up: Rethinking Customer Experience
There was a time when having a digital presence meant that you had at least slapped a simple website online.
It doesn't work that way anymore. Your customers today are used to instant communication through apps and by text with several different businesses and they expect that from you.
Join Tom as he helps us to navigate these customer expectations and how we can best meet those needs without breaking our budgets.
Becoming the Agent of the Future
The app-based agency is here. What are you doing to keep your agency relevant in this age of instant information, instant quotes, instant policies, and instant service?
Join us as we dive into the technology changes that are driving the market forward and what you can do to stay on the front end of the changes.
Succession Training- Team Leadership: Motivating and Inspiring your Team
How many people are following you? In order to be a great leader, you have to have people willing to follow you.
Succession Training- Fearless Feedback: Getting Comfortable with Providing Feedback
Giving feedback isn't always easy, especially when it's not received well. Join this webinar as Kathy coaches us on some positive ways to give feedback.
Succession Training- The Performance Management Process: Linking Performance to Results
Five Claims Secrets No Lawyer Wants You to Know
Have you ever wondered how attorneys - who attend exactly none of our industry's plethora of training, continuing education (CE), or designation sessions - have managed to create a massive profit niche out of inserting themselves into insurance claim resolutions?
Executive Training: Strategic Planning
Learn the ground rules on WHAT you need within your agency in order to create and execute a strategic plan, including the necessary steps on HOW to do so in this 2-hour class.