Insurance Training Course Catalog
Predicting 2025: Company Appetites, Underwriting, Competition, and Capacity
Are you struggling with managing your carrier relationships? Are you frustrated by their seemingly random actions? Are you frustrated with their inconsistency? Do you ever wonder how, if their predictive modeling is so good that now they must raise rates by 30% because they’re surprised by global warming?
Staying ahead of your carriers’ actions is difficult even in good times, much less in the hardest of hard markets. In this presentation, Chris will discuss five keys to understanding and getting ahead of your carriers’ actions. Your carrier relations don’t need to be shrouded in mystery. Join Chris to learn how to take proactive control of your carrier relations.
Born2Lead: Lessons in Leadership
Mike's thesis is simple. Everyone can be a leader. You just have to decide to do what leaders do. Join us as he brings this leadership conversation to the Academy.
Creating a Professional Development Plan
'Keep learning' is more than a catchphrase, it's a way of living.
As insurance people, we must continually learn about our craft. This industry is constantly changing and growing. What we know today won't necessarily help us tomorrow. Risks evolve. Coverages change.
Learning doesn't happen by accident; you need a plan to make sure you learn what you need to know when you need it.
In this session, we will present a process to create a professional development plan for you and your team.