Insurance Training Course Catalog
Growth Strategies
Find out if your sales team has what it takes to excel. That's the question at the heart of this session. Whether you're convinced that your team is running on all cylinders or you think your team needs a tune-up, this session is for you. Join us as Walt Gerano from Anthony Cole Training Group helps us with some strategies to grow your agency.
Insurance Without Claims - Revisited
Insurance and technology are closely related to each other. Technology allows insurance to operate and insurance allows for innovation and expansion in technology. But can technology really predict claims or help insureds to avoid claims? This is one question that Martin Frappolli plans to answer for us in this session. Updated for 2024.
Creating a Professional Development Plan
'Keep learning' is more than a catchphrase, it's a way of living.
As insurance people, we must continually learn about our craft. This industry is constantly changing and growing. What we know today won't necessarily help us tomorrow. Risks evolve. Coverages change.
Learning doesn't happen by accident; you need a plan to make sure you learn what you need to know when you need it.
In this session, we will present a process to create a professional development plan for you and your team.
Essential Insurance Terms and Concepts for 2024
Insurance speaks its own language and people who interact with insurance people need to know and be able to speak that language. If you are new to insurance or you work with insurance people, you need to set aside an hour for this session. We will discuss several terms and concepts that will help you understand your colleagues. Join us as Academy Director of Education, Patrick Wraight brings this newly updated session back for 2024.
Standards of Care for Agencies. What Are Your Responsibilities?
What are agents responsible for? Are insurance agents merely order takers, making sure that the insured gets the insurance equivalent to fries and a soft drink with their order? Or is an insurance agent responsible for knowing every detail about their insureds so that they can provide every possible insurance policy available at the correct limits with the list of conditions?
There are many thoughts about this topic of standards of care, so we have brought in Michael Gay to help us to understand what agencies need to know on this topic. Join us for this timely session.
Getting Out of the Box: Working With E&S Carriers and Brokers
Working with E&S carriers and brokers is not just business as normal, nor is it so out of bounds that the retail agent should be scared away from doing it. Approaching an E&S carrier is potentially a viable option as the market hardens for each line of business. Risks that would normally be placed with an admitted carrier may entertain an E&S quote. Join us as Casey Roberts brings this timely session.
Workers' Comp in 60 Minutes - How Agents Can Lead with Work Comp
Workers' compensation insurance affects nearly everyone. Most businesses need to have it. As insurance professionals, we should know all we can about the policy. Join us as Nancy Germond brings a fast-paced breakdown of all things workers' comp.
Hidden Hazards in Premise Liability Claims
Slip or trip and fall accidents are one of the most common exposures faced by commercial property owners. While these claims appear simple, they may include complicated issues related to risk transfers in commercial contracts. The claims may also require specialized technical experts to weigh in on the safety of a premise condition. Join Crystal Uebelher in this webinar to explore common issues arising in the management of premise liability claims.
Artificial Intelligence for the Insurance Industry
AI is in the news and we are being told that it will disrupt everything from the work we do to who is doing the work. Join us as Brenda Powell Wells brings us her new session all about AI and how it'll impact us humans who work in the insurance world.
Reinsurance Basics: Why Does This Matter?
Reinsurance is important because it figures into the insurance company's ability to pay claims and reduce their own risk. Join us as Academy Director of Education, Patrick Wraight brings this session designed to introduce participants to the concept of reinsurance, why insurance companies need it, and what it's there for.